Anatomy of Spine

Pain in your coccyx is called Coccydynia. Pain from an injured tailbone can range from mild to intense. The pain can get worse when you sit down, stand up from a chair, or when you lean back while sitting.
You can also feel soreness when you use the bathroom or have sex. Women may feel discomfort during their period. Sometimes, the pain can shoot all the way down your legs. Standing or walking should relieve the pressure on your tailbone and ease discomfort.

· Physiotherapy.
A physical therapist might show you how to do pelvic floor relaxation techniques, such as breathing deeply and completely relaxing your pelvic floor — as you would while urinating or defecating.
· Manipulation.
Massaging the muscles attached to the tailbone might help ease pain. Manipulation is typically done through the rectum.
· Medication.
An injection of a local anesthetic into the tailbone can relieve pain for a few weeks. Certain antidepressants or anti-epileptic medications might relieve tailbone pain as well.
· Surgery.
During a procedure known as a coccygectomy, the coccyx is surgically removed. This option is typically only recommended when all other treatments fail.

The most common injury of coccyx or tailbone are falling on the buttocks or backwards.
Physiotherapy Management
· Trigger point release (TPR) at lower back and bilateral glutes.
· Pain management with ultrasound, ice, or heat and interferential current (IFT).
· Regain the normal mobility and flexibility with pelvic and spinal mobilisation.
· Posture education and muscle control/ proprioception with balance training.
· Regain the normal muscle power and functional ability incorporate stretching and strengthening program.
What Should You Do For Coccyx Pain?
Well, the first thing you must change is your sitting posture. Aside from falling on the buttocks, an improper sitting position is the leading cause of pain at the bottom of the spine.
Chronic pain in the tailbone or the coccyx is often the result of weakness present in the muscles of the pelvic muscle and pelvic floor muscle. The Pelvic floor muscles provide the support and instability your spine needs. But, more importantly, they support organs such as the urinary bladder, bowels, and reproductive systems.
Therefore, having great pelvic floor muscles is not just crucial for the bottom of the spine, but also the internal organs. Sitting in a poor posture for long periods can impact the pelvic floor muscles. Slouching forward in a seated position stresses the muscles of the pelvic floor.
The accumulative effects of these stresses can lead to weakening and degenerative changes that impact not just your spine, but organs and fertility. The use of muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory medication, or injections is ineffective and harmful. Pain management through medication is short-lived at best, but harmful with certainty. Our clinical teams are the experts you need for a thorough assessment of your spine and pelvic floor muscles. The care we provide is through the collaborative efforts of our physiotherapists (physical therapists) .
The treatments and pain management we provide are natural. So, opt for the best non-invasive drug-less approach by calling our center today.